Advanced Energy

Accurate and Efficient Temperature Measurement and Control for Thin-Film Manufacturing Processes


Advanced Energy® offers precision power and temperature measurement solutions specifically designed for optimizing semiconductor fabrication. We provide options, so you can match best-in-class solutions to your process. With Advanced Energy Sekidenko optical pyrometers and Thyro-Family SCR power controllers, you:

  • Improve product quality, yield, and throughput
  • Achieve the highest level of process repeatability
  • Extend asset life and accelerate ROI
  • Reduce energy costs

Take the uncertainty and variability out of semiconductor applications

Advanced Energy optical pyrometers offer unsurpassed consistency, reliability, and performance in temperature-critical applications requiring non-contact, in-situ measurement.

Design for Success with Advanced Energy SCR Power Controllers

Advanced Energy's Thyro-family allows you to integrate automated digital control of power, current, or voltage, plus communications critical to improving accuracy and repeatability in RPT, HDP-CVD, MOCVD, UV cure, and a variety of other semiconductor processes.

Solutions for Thermal Processing in Semiconductor Applications

Semiconductor thermal processes present unique requirements, but every application demands exacting control, reliability, and consistency. Advanced Energy’s solutions provide accuracy and performance that ensures high product quality and reproducibility.

Learn more about Advanced Energy’s integrated solutions for semiconductor thermal processes